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Data classification with deep learning using Tensorflow




Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning which uses artificial neural networks that is inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. Despite being a very new approach, it has become very popular recently. Deep learning has achieved much higher success in many applications where machine learning has been successful at certain rates. In particular It is preferred in the classification of big data sets because it can provide fast and efficient results. In this study, we used Tensorflow, one of the most popular deep learning libraries to classify MNIST dataset, which is frequently used in data analysis studies. Using Tensorflow, which is an open source artificial intelligence library developed by Google, we have studied and compared the effects of multiple activation functions on classification results. The functions used are Rectified Linear Unit (ReLu), Hyperbolic Tangent (tanH), Exponential Linear Unit (eLu), sigmoid, softplus and softsign. In this Study, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and SoftMax classifier are used as deep learning artificial neural network. The results show that the most accurate classification rate is obtained using the ReLu activation function.
机译:深度学习是机器学习的子场,它使用人工神经网络,这是由人脑的结构和功能的启发。尽管是一种非常新的方法,但最近变得非常流行。在机器学习成功的许多应用中,深入学习取得了更高的成功。特别是在大数据集的分类中,优选的是,它可以提供快速有效的结果。在这项研究中,我们使用了Tensorflow,其中一个最受欢迎的深度学习库之一来分类Mnist DataSet,其经常用于数据分析研究。使用Tensorflow,它是由Google开发的开放源人工智能图书馆,我们研究过,并比较了多种激活功能对分类结果的影响。使用的功能是整流线性单元(Relu),双曲线切线(TanH),指数线性单元(ELU),Sigmoid,SoftPlus和Sofsign。在本研究中,卷积神经网络(CNN)和软MAX分类器用作深层学习人工神经网络。结果表明,使用Relu激活功能获得最准确的分类率。



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