首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering >Feeling Analysis for Sadness and Happiness using Googlen-gram Database Googlen-gram Veritabanı ile Üzüntü ve Mutluluk Üzerine Duygu Analizi

Feeling Analysis for Sadness and Happiness using Googlen-gram Database Googlen-gram Veritabanı ile Üzüntü ve Mutluluk Üzerine Duygu Analizi




The current era has been defined as “Digital Age” and “Information Age” since it is characterized by an exponential grow of data, generated by both human, i.e. social environments, and machine, i.e. Internet of things. The challenge is to convert “data” into “information”, by analyzing the data and discovering patterns hidden inside it. In this paper the two basic human feelings of Happiness and Sadness are extracted from a subset of Google n-grams corpus and analyzed. Google n-grams corpus is generated from millions of scanned books published between year 1500 and 2008; it can be considered as an indicator for human specific feature and behavior. Under the hypothesis that user's emotion can be extrapolated by the frequency of the corresponding emotional words, this study applies regression to predict the importance of the Happiness and Sadness emotional states in future years.
机译:当前时代被定义为“数字时代”和“信息时代”,因为它的特征是由人类(即社交环境)和机器(即物联网)生成的数据呈指数增长。挑战在于通过分析数据并发现隐藏在其中的模式,将“数据”转换为“信息”。本文从Google n-gram语料库的一个子集中提取了人类的两种基本幸福感和悲伤感,并对其进行了分析。 Google n-gram语料库是由1500年至2008年之间出版的数百万本经扫描的图书产生的;它可以被认为是特定于人类的特征和行为的指标。在假设用户的情绪可以通过相应的情绪词的频率推断的假设下,本研究应用回归来预测未来几年幸福和悲伤情绪状态的重要性。



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