
LSRC: Lexicon star rating system over cloud




In the age of Internet, it is essential to go for the reviews before taking any service like to go for a movie or buying any product. Sentiment analysis plays a vital role to determine people's opinion or reviews of any entity, i.e., products, movies or comments etc. Sentiment analysis is an opinion mining technique which uses the concept of NLP (Natural Language Processing) and provide us the behavior of consumer about the product. Reviews are mainly classified as positive, negative or neutral. In this paper we used the concept of lexicon-based approach to give star rating to the reviews. Instead of classifying reviews as positive, negative or neutral, we have categorized them into five subcategories, i.e., Excellent, Good, Neutral, Bad and Worst using star-scale method. We got the results in reasonable time by using the concept of VM (Virtual Machines).



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