
IoT-Based Green Environment for Smart Cities




In the present scenario, severe actions are required to manage waste from its formation to its allocation. Monitoring the waste is essential for proper recycling. The smart container garbage bins indicate the level of municipal waste. When the bins are full it gives an indication to the authority to clean the bin. This is considered to minimize harmful effects of waste on health and environment. Bad smell spreads to the surrounding areas creating disorders. So, the solid waste generated from the residents is indicated using "IOT based green environment for smart cities". A smart waste collection management using smart containers providing intelligence to the containers along with the IoT sensors which can read, transmit and collect data on the Internet. In the proposed system, we use different garbage bins to monitor the solid waste gathered in the garbage bins which can be indicated by a web page and SMS. This system is also used to monitor the level of hazardous gases produced in garbage bins and it is indicated through buzzer. In this, a truck is used to collect the garbage from the colonies and few minutes before the truck arrival the message will be sent to locality people so that they can come and dump their dust.



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