首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication >Theoretical Research and Framework Design of Spanish-Chinese Smart Translation System from Machine Learning Perspectives

Theoretical Research and Framework Design of Spanish-Chinese Smart Translation System from Machine Learning Perspectives




Theoretical research and framework design of the Spanish-Chinese smart translation system from machine learning perspectives is done in this manuscript. Cyberspace has become the main virtual space of people’s spiritual life. The main form of information in cyberspace contains pictures, and also image communication and image dissemination have become a new trend. To this, the machine learning perspective is applied for the construction of the smart model. A fuzzy information analysis model is established for the characteristic vocabulary translation, and combine related feature extraction and fuzzy information optimization control methods to realize online control of characteristic vocabulary translation. The machine learning algorithm is used to perform fuzzy control and convergence judgment on the online generation process of the featured vocabulary translation, and realize the optimization of the online generation process of featured vocabulary translation. The intelligent model is implemented through the analysis.



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