
Semantic Models for the Geological Mapping Process




The geologic mapping process requires the organization of data according tothe general knowledge about the objects in the map, namely the geologic units, and tothe objectives of a graphic representation of such objects in a map, following some established model of geotectonic evolution. Semantics can greatly help such a process in providing a terminological base to name and classify the objects of the map and supporting the application of reasoning mechanisms for the derivation of novel properties and relations about the objects of the map. The OntoGeonous initiative has built a terminological base of geological knowledge in a machine-readable format, following the Semantic Web tenets and the Linked Data paradigm, with the construction of an appropriate data base schema that can be then filled with the objects of the map. The paper will present the conceptual model of the geologic system and how the elements of the cartographic database are classified from general definitions. Also, the paper addresses the setup of web-based services that respond to queries concerning the properties of the map elements that are not explicitly asserted in the underlying data base, but are inferred through a reasoning process.
机译:地质制图过程需要按照一些已建立的大地构造演化模型,根据有关地图中对象(即地质单位)的一般知识以及以地图中此类对象的图形表示为目标的数据来组织数据。语义学可以在提供用于命名和分类地图对象的术语基础以及支持推理机制的应用以推导新颖特性和与地图对象有关的关系方面,极大地帮助此类过程。 OntoGeonous计划遵循语义Web原则和“链接数据”范例,以机器可读的格式构建了地质知识的术语库,并构建了可填充地图对象的适当数据库纲要。本文将介绍地质系统的概念模型,以及如何根据一般定义对地图数据库的元素进行分类。此外,本文还介绍了基于Web的服务的设置,这些服务可响应有关地图元素属性的查询,这些查询未在基础数据库中明确声明,但可以通过推理过程进行推断。



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