首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions >Hyperspectral imaging based land cover mapping using data obtained by the Hyperion sensor

Hyperspectral imaging based land cover mapping using data obtained by the Hyperion sensor




This paper presents an analysis of hyperspectral image data corresponding to a strip along the North Eastern region of Sri Lanka, obtained by the Earth Observing (EO-1) satellite's Hyperion sensor. Using hyperspectral imagery in order to map land-cover maps is beneficial in many ways as it could be used as a basis to obtain useful information for natural resource and ecosystem service management, assessing the human induced and natural drivers of changes in land, foliage or water bodies and even in identification of fine details such as the distribution of minerals in an area. In the algorithm proposed in this paper, each pixel was represented as a point in a high dimensional space of which the dimensions represented each band of wavelength. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) and Spectral Clustering were used in a logical sequence, as discussed in this paper, in order to cluster the points in a reduced dimensional space. The pixels belonging to each cluster were labeled under `soil', `foliage' or `water bodies', with the aid of the k-means algorithm and the hyperspectral data of the training set obtained with the aid of Google Maps. Upon validation it was observed that the procedure employed is an effective and promising method of classifying a semi supervised hyperspectral dataset.
机译:本文介绍了通过地球观测(EO-1)卫星的Hyperion传感器获得的与斯里兰卡东北地区沿一条条带对应的高光谱图像数据。使用高光谱图像绘制土地覆盖图有很多好处,因为它可以用作获取自然资源和生态系统服务管理有用信息的基础,评估人为和自然驱动的土地,树叶或树木变化的驱动力水体,甚至识别细微的细节,例如某个地区的矿物质分布。在本文提出的算法中,每个像素都表示为高维空间中的一个点,其维数表示每个波长带。如本文所述,以逻辑顺序使用了主成分分析(PCA),费舍尔判别分析(FDA)和谱聚类,以便将这些点聚类在一个降维空间中。借助k均值算法和借助Google Maps获得的训练集的高光谱数据,将属于每个簇的像素标记在“土壤”​​,“树叶”或“水体”下。验证后,观察到所采用的程序是对半监督高光谱数据集进行分类的有效且有前途的方法。



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