首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery >The fuzzy neural network based haul truck driver fatigue detection in surface mining

The fuzzy neural network based haul truck driver fatigue detection in surface mining




Haul trucks are one of the most important transportations in the surface mining. The traffic accidents involved haul trucks result in serious damages of the vehicles, even the loss of the drivers' lives. Drive fatigue is one of the key features that cause accidents. This paper analyzed the possible driver fatigue reasons based on the special features of the haul trucks. Then, it proposed the fuzzy neural network based fatigue detection for haul truck drivers. The CCD camera was amounted in the cabin of the haul truck to capture the key features of the drivers. The eyes of the driver could show most important information of fatigue. The head nod frequency, yawn frequency could also reflect the driver's fatigue degree. Each of these methods has its own limitation and detection errors. The results shows the fuzzy neural network detection method has more accurate detection by combining with PERCLOS (Percentage of eyelid closure over the pupil over time), AECS (Average eye closure speed), NodFreq (Nod frequency) and YawnFreq (Yawn frequency). It has great significance in reducing the accidents rate caused by the drive fatigue.
机译:拖运卡车是露天采矿中最重要的运输工具之一。涉及运输卡车的交通事故导致车辆严重损坏,甚至丧生。驱动器疲劳是导致事故的关键特征之一。本文根据牵引车的特点分析了驾驶员疲劳的可能原因。然后,提出了基于模糊神经网络的牵引车驾驶员疲劳检测方法。 CCD摄像头安装在运输卡车的机舱中,以捕捉驾驶员的主要特征。驾驶员的眼睛可能会显示出最重要的疲劳信息。头点头频率,打哈欠频率也可以反映驾驶员的疲劳程度。这些方法中的每一种都有其自身的局限性和检测错误。结果表明,模糊神经网络检测方法与PERCLOS(瞳孔眼睑闭合度随时间的变化百分比),AECS(平均眼闭合速度),NodFreq(点头频率)和YawnFreq(打哈欠频率)相结合,具有更准确的检测结果。这对于降低由于驱动器疲劳引起的事故率具有重要意义。



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