
User Friendly Tab Management in Web Browsers




Modern web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox have a number of tabs to open different URLs, which makes it unwieldy and inconvenient for the user to keep track of all open tabs and navigate to the desired tabs. Often, the open tabs can be divided into related groups by identifying the user`s browsing context and intention. In this paper we present methods to identify sub browsing contexts for grouping related tabs. The method for identifying a particular sub browsing context involves tracking the tab navigation sequence of the user, clustering tabs by matching the semantic topics, and loading a new contextual tab by the user using a component called the contextual tab manager. We describe a few alternative ways for implementing the system for the Chrome browser: using the TabStripModel (for desktop), using the Chrome.tabs extension API (for desktop) and modifying the TabManager class to incorporate the context (for mobile browsers). We implement the system on the default browser of a Samsung smartphone using the third method and perform a user study to evaluate the ease of use of the system for a selection of users.
机译:谷歌Chrome或Mozilla Firefox等现代Web浏览器有许多标签来打开不同的URL,这使得用户可以追求和不方便,以跟踪所有打开选项卡并导航到所需的选项卡。通常,通过识别用户浏览上下文和意图,可以将打开的选项卡分成相关组。在本文中,我们提供了用于识别用于分组相关选项卡的子浏览上下文的方法。用于识别特定子浏览上下文的方法涉及跟踪用户的标签导航序列,通过匹配语义主题来匹配群集选项卡,并使用名为上下文选项卡管理器的组件加载新的上下文标签。我们描述了用于为Chrome浏览器实现系统的替代方式:使用Chrome.Tabs扩展API(for Desktop)并修改TabManager类以结合上下文(对于移动浏览器)来使用tabstripmodel(for桌面)。我们使用第三种方法在三星智能手机的默认浏览器上实现系统,并执行用户学习,以评估系统的易用性以获取选择用户。



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