
Uncertainty-Driven Black-Box Test Data Generation




We can never be certain that a software system is correct simply by testing it, but with every additional successful test we become less uncertain about its correctness. In absence of source code or elaborate specifications and models, tests are usually generated or chosen randomly. However, rather than randomly choosing tests, it would be preferable to choose those tests that decrease our uncertainty about correctness the most. In order to guide test generation, we apply what is referred to in Machine Learning as "Query Strategy Framework": We infer a behavioural model of the system under test and select those tests which the inferred model is "least certain" about. Running these tests on the system under test thus directly targets those parts about which tests so far have failed to inform the model. We provide an implementation that uses a genetic programming engine for model inference in order to enable an uncertainty sampling technique known as "query by committee", and evaluate it on eight subject systems from the Apache Commons Math framework and JodaTime. The results indicate that test generation using uncertainty sampling outperforms conventional and Adaptive Random Testing.
机译:我们永远不能仅仅通过测试就可以确定软件系统是否正确,但是每进行一次成功的测试,我们对软件正确性的不确定性就会降低。在没有源代码或详尽的规范和模型的情况下,通常会随机生成或选择测试。但是,与其随机选择测试,不如选择那些能够最大程度降低我们对正确性不确定性的测试。为了指导测试的生成,我们应用了机器学习中所谓的“查询策略框架”:我们推断被测系统的行为模型,并选择推断模型“最确定”的那些测试。因此,在被测系统上运行这些测试将直接针对那些到目前为止测试未能告知模型的部件。我们提供了一种使用遗传编程引擎进行模型推断的实现,以便启用称为“按委员会查询”的不确定性采样技术,并在来自Apache Commons Math框架和JodaTime的八个主题系统上对其进行评估。结果表明,使用不确定性采样进行的测试生成优于常规和自适应随机测试。



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