首页> 外文会议>Iberian conference on pattern recognition and image analysis >Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding

Local Features Applied to Dermoscopy Images: Bag-of-Features versus Sparse Coding




Feature extraction is a crucial step in any computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for melanoma diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to select features that are able to efficiently characterize the properties of the different types of lesions. Local features that separately characterize and distinguish different regions of the lesions have been shown to provide good descriptors for these skin lesions. Two powerful methods can be used to obtain local features: bag-of-features (BoF) and sparse coding (SC). Both methods have been applied to dermoscopy with promising results. However, a comparison between the two strategies is lacking. In this work, we fill this gap by developing a framework to compare the two methods in the melanoma diagnosis task. The results show that SC significantly outperforms BoF, achieving sensitivity = 85.5% and specificity = 75.1% versus sensitivity = 81.7% and specificity = 66.5%.
机译:特征提取是任何用于黑色素瘤诊断的计算机辅助诊断(CAD)系统中的关键步骤。因此,重要的是选择能够有效表征不同类型病变特征的特征。已经显示出分别表征和区分病变的不同区域的局部特征为这些皮肤病变提供了良好的描述。可以使用两种功能强大的方法来获取局部特征:特征包(BoF)和稀疏编码(SC)。两种方法均已应用于皮肤镜检查,并取得了可喜的结果。但是,这两种策略之间缺乏比较。在这项工作中,我们通过开发一个框架来比较黑色素瘤诊断任务中的两种方法来填补这一空白。结果表明,SC显着优于BoF,灵敏度= 85.5%和特异性= 75.1%,而灵敏度= 81.7%和特异性= 66.5%。



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