首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications >Prediction of audience response from spoken sequences, speech pauses and co-speech gestures in humorous discourse by Barack Obama

Prediction of audience response from spoken sequences, speech pauses and co-speech gestures in humorous discourse by Barack Obama

机译:巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)通过幽默话语中的讲话序列,讲话停顿和同声讲话手势来预测观众的反应



In this paper, we aim to predict audience response from simple spoken sequences, speech pauses and co-speech gestures in annotated video-and audio-recorded speeches by Barack Obama at the Annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner in 2011 and 2016. At these dinners, the American president mocks himself, his collaborators, political adversary and the press corps making the audience react with cheers, laughter and/or applause. The results of the prediction experiment demonstrate that information about spoken sequences, pauses and co-speech gestures by Obama can be used to predict the immediate audience response. This confirms and shows an application of numerous studies that address the importance of speech pauses and gestures in delivering the discourse message in a successful way. The fact that machine learning algorithms can use information about pauses and gestures to build models of audience reaction is also relevant for the construction of intelligent and cognitively based multimodal ICT.
机译:在本文中,我们旨在通过2011年和2016年年度白宫记者协会晚宴上巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)带注释的视频和音频录制的演讲中的简单语音序列,语音停顿和共同讲话手势来预测观众的反应。晚宴上,美国总统嘲笑自己,他的合作者,政治对手和新闻界人士,使观众以欢呼,笑声和/或掌声做出反应。预测实验的结果表明,有关奥巴马说话顺序,暂停和同声手势的信息可用于预测观众的即时反应。这证实并显示了许多研究的应用,这些研究解决了语音停顿和手势在成功传递话语消息中的重要性。机器学习算法可以使用有关暂停和手势的信息来构建观众反应模型这一事实,也与智能和基于认知的多模式ICT的构建有关。



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