首页> 外文会议>IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science >Truly Sub-cubic Algorithms for Language Edit Distance and RNA-Folding via Fast Bounded-Difference Min-Plus Product

Truly Sub-cubic Algorithms for Language Edit Distance and RNA-Folding via Fast Bounded-Difference Min-Plus Product




It is a major open problem whether the (min,+)-product of two n by n matrices has a truly sub-cubic time algorithm, as it is equivalent to the famous All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths problem (APSP) in n-vertex graphs. There are some restrictions of the (min,+)-product to special types of matrices that admit truly sub-cubic algorithms, each giving rise to a special case of APSP that can be solved faster. In this paper we consider a new, different and powerful restriction in which one matrix can be arbitrary, as long as the other matrix has "bounded differences" in either its columns or rows, i.e. any two consecutive entries differ by only a small amount. We obtain the first truly sub-cubic algorithm for this Bounded Differences (min,+)-product (answering an open problem of Chan and Lewenstein). Our new algorithm, combined with a strengthening of an approach of L. Valiant for solving context-free grammar parsing with matrix multiplication, yields the first truly sub-cubic algorithms for the following problems: Language Edit Distance (a major problem in the parsing community), RNA-folding (a major problem in bioinformatics) and Optimum Stack Generation (answering an open problem of Tarjan).
机译:两个n×n矩阵的(min,+)乘积是否具有真正的次三次时间算法是一个主要的开放问题,因为它等效于n中著名的All-Pairs-Shortest-Paths问题(APSP)。 -顶点图。 (min,+)乘积对某些类型的限制有一定的限制,这些限制允许使用真正的次三次方算法,每种情况都会导致APSP的一种特殊情况,这种情况可以更快地解决。在本文中,我们考虑了一个新的,不同而强大的限制,其中一个矩阵可以是任意的,只要另一个矩阵在其列或行中都具有“边界差异”,即任何两个连续的条目仅相差很小。我们获得了这个有界差(min,+)乘积的第一个真正的亚三次算法(回答了Chan和Lewenstein的一个开放问题)。我们的新算法结合L. Valiant的增强方法,通过矩阵乘法解决了上下文无关的语法解析问题,产生了第一个真正的次三次算法,用于解决以下问题:语言编辑距离(解析社区中的一个主要问题) ),RNA折叠(生物信息学中的一个主要问题)和最佳堆栈生成(回答Tarjan的一个开放性问题)。



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