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Top Ten Topics and Tips for Live IP Production Centers




Few people would deny that the internet and theInternet Protocol has touched most parts of our lives –however one of the places where this impact has beenminimal has been the world of television and radioproduction, and in particular live production, even thoughthe Internet is often used for distribution of the contentproduced. In the last two years, big strides have been takentoward enabling live production over IP networks, bothwithin commercial enterprises and in the standards bodies.Perhaps leading the way in this regard is the work of theEBU, SMPTE and VSF in the Joint Taskforce on NetworkedMedia, resulting in the production of a ReferenceArchitecture. A number of top topics have emerged from thiswork, along with some tips for successful implementation ofa live IP production system.
机译:很少有人会否认互联网和 互联网协议已经触及我们生活的大部分部分– 但是这种影响发生的地方之一 最小的是电视和广播世界 制作,尤其是现场制作,即使 互联网通常用于分发内容 生产的。在过去的两年中,取得了长足的进步 旨在通过IP网络实现实时生产 在商业企业和标准机构中。 也许在这方面处于领先地位的是 EBU,SMPTE和VSF在网络联合工作组中 媒体,从而产生参考文献 建筑学。从中涌现出许多热门话题 工作,以及成功实施的一些技巧 实时IP生产系统。



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