首页> 外文会议>IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference >Advanced maximum power point tracking scheme for centralized inverters for large solar photovoltaic power plants

Advanced maximum power point tracking scheme for centralized inverters for large solar photovoltaic power plants




This paper presents an Advanced Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) scheme for 500kW-1MW Grid Connected Centralized inverters for large Photovoltaic (PV) power plants. Conventional MPPT schemes like Perturb and Observe (P&O), Incremental Conductance (IC) and Constant Voltage (CV) alone cannot be used for fast and efficacious tracking of Maximum Power Point (MPP) in centralized inverters. During fast changing environmental conditions and low irradiation, especially during mornings and evenings when the diffused radiation dominants direct radiation, using single MPPT technique cannot give an optimized result, An advanced MPPT technique, that combines constant voltage (passive) and modified P&O method (active) methods, is discussed and simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK Experimental results of a 25kW centralized inverter is also presented.
机译:本文提出了一种适用于大型光伏(PV)发电厂的500kW-1MW并网集中式逆变器的高级最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)方案。常规的MPPT方案(如扰动和观测(P&O),增量电导(IC)和恒定电压(CV))不能单独用于集中逆变器中的最大功率点(MPP)的快速有效跟踪。在瞬息万变的环境条件和低辐射的情况下,尤其是在漫射辐射主导直接辐射的早晨和晚上,使用单一MPPT技术无法获得最佳结果。先进的MPPT技术结合了恒定电压(无源)和改进的P&O方法(主动式) )方法,在MATLAB / SIMULINK中进行了讨论和仿真,并给出了25kW集中式逆变器的实验结果。



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