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Revealing oral medication patterns from reconstructed long-term medication history of type 2 diabetes




With the growing attention to evidence-based medical guideline development, longitudinal analysis of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) has become a good tool for providing insight into and new knowledge on the existing therapy. For chronic diseases, longitudinal analysis of medication history plays a key role in reaching this goal. However, raw medication data in EMR are not suitable for longitudinal analysis for several reasons. First, many prescriptions have a short duration. Second, the prescription duration may have a gap or overlap with other prescription durations. Additionally, for diabetes cases, physicians must wait for a certain period to observe the effectiveness of the medication. However, the existing methods do not address these conditions. To tackle these issues, we propose a set of rules for medication episode reconstruction. We then apply the rules for longitudinal analysis on anonymous Type 2 diabetes patients' EMR provided by Kyoto University Hospital. The EMR span from 2000 to 2015. Two of our significant results are as follows: (1) our proposed medication episode reconstruction method is able to compress the search space into 23.83% compared to the raw data, and (2) the preliminary results show the benefits of the method in revealing the existing medication patterns over the years and unfamiliar therapy transition.
机译:随着对循证医学指南开发的关注日益增加,电子病历(EMR)的纵向分析已成为提供有关现有疗法的见识和新知识的好工具。对于慢性病,药物治疗史的纵向分析在实现这一目标中起着关键作用。但是,由于多种原因,EMR中的原始药物数据不适用于纵向分析。首先,许多处方的有效期很短。其次,处方时间可能与其他处方时间有差距或重叠。另外,对于糖尿病病例,医生必须等待一段时间才能观察到药物的有效性。但是,现有方法不能解决这些条件。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一套有关药物发作重建的规则。然后,我们对京都大学医院提供的匿名2型糖尿病患者的EMR进行纵向分析的规则。 EMR的时间跨度为2000年至2015年。我们的两个重要结果如下:(1)我们提出的药物发作重建方法能够将搜索空间压缩到原始数据的23.83%,并且(2)初步结果表明该方法的优势在于揭示了多年来的现有用药模式以及不熟悉的治疗方法。



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