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Apparent Age Estimation from Face Images Combining General and Children-Specialized Deep Learning Models




This work describes our solution in the second edition of the ChaLearn LAP competition on Apparent Age Estimation. Starting from a pretrained version of the VGG-16 convolutional neural network for face recognition, we train it on the huge IMDB-Wiki dataset for biological age estimation and then fine-tune it for apparent age estimation using the relatively small competition dataset. We show that the precise age estimation of children is the cornerstone of the competition. Therefore, we integrate a separate "children" VGG-16 network for apparent age estimation of children between 0 and 12 years old in our final solution. The "children" network is fine-tuned from the "general" one. We employ different age encoding strategies for training "general" and "children" networks: the soft one (label distribution encoding) for the "general" network and the strict one (0/1 classification encoding) for the "children" network. Finally, we highlight the importance of the state-of-the-art face detection and face alignment for the final apparent age estimation. Our resulting solution wins the 1st place in the competition significantly outperforming the runner-up.
机译:这项工作在ChaLearn LAP关于表观年龄估算的第二版中描述了我们的解决方案。从用于人脸识别的VGG-16卷积神经网络的预训练版本开始,我们在庞大的IMDB-Wiki数据集上对其进行训练,以进行生物年龄估算,然后使用相对较小的竞争数据集对其进行微调,以进行明显的年龄估算。我们表明,对孩子的准确年龄估算是比赛的基石。因此,我们在最终解决方案中集成了单独的“儿童” VGG-16网络,用于估计0至12岁儿童的明显年龄。 “儿童”网络是从“常规”网络中微调而来的。我们采用不同的年龄编码策略来训练“通用”和“子级”网络:“通用”网络的软编码(标签分发编码)和“子级”网络的严格编码(0/1分类编码)。最后,我们强调了最新的人脸检测和人脸对齐对于最终的表观年龄估计的重要性。我们提供的解决方案在竞争中赢得了第一名,明显优于第二名。



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