首页> 外文会议>International conference on computers helping people with special needs >Using Mind Mapping Software to Initiate Writing and Organizing Ideas for Students with SLD and ADHD

Using Mind Mapping Software to Initiate Writing and Organizing Ideas for Students with SLD and ADHD




The article is a summary of research conducted in the field of planning functions of postsecondary students with Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The article provides an overview of the students difficulties initiating writing tasks due to their disabilities. Model of planning functions of students with SLD provides insight into the contribution of motivating factors to initializing four planning functions. The review also presents the advantages of using mind mapping software to initiate writing tasks and organizing ideas for this population. Relevant academic literature shows that use of mind mapping software may assist students with SLD and/ or ADHD to initiate writing tasks, overcome their difficulties in better organize information, and develop learning and cognitive skills.



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