首页> 外文会议>Conference on the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies >Invited Talk: Linguists for Deep Learning; or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Neural Networks

Invited Talk: Linguists for Deep Learning; or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Neural Networks




The rise of deep learning (DL) might seem initially to mark a low point for linguists hoping to learn from, and contribute to, the field of statistical NLP. In building DL systems, the decisive factors tend to be data, computational resources, and optimization techniques, with domain expertise in a supporting role. Nonetheless, at least for semantics and pragmatics, I argue that DL models are potentially the best computational implementations of linguists' ideas and theories that we've ever seen. At the lexical level, symbolic representations are inevitably incomplete, whereas learned distributed representations have the potential to capture the dense interconnections that exist between words, and DL methods allow us to infuse these representations with information from contexts of use and from structured lexical resources. For semantic composition, previous approaches tended to represent phrases and sentences in partial, idiosyncratic ways; DL models support comprehensive representations and might yield insights into flexible modes of semantic composition that would be unexpected from the point of view of traditional logical theories. And when it comes to pragmatics, DL is arguably what the field has been looking for all along: a flexible set of tools for representing language and context together, and for capturing the nuanced, fallible ways in which langage users reason about each other's intentions. Thus, while linguists might find it dispiriting that the day-to-day work of DL involves mainly fund-raising to support hyperparameter tuning on expensive machines, I argue that it is worth the tedium for the insights into language that this can (unexpectedly) deliver.
机译:深度学习(DL)的兴起似乎最初是为了标志着语言学家希望从统计NLP领域学习和贡献的语言学家的低点。在构建DL系统中,决定性因素往往是数据,计算资源和优化技术,具有支持作用的域专业知识。尽管如此,至少对于语义和语用学,我认为DL模型可能是我们见过的语言学家的想法和理论的最佳计算实现。在词汇级别,符号表示不可避免地不完整,而学习的分布式表示有可能捕获单词之间存在的密集互连,而DL方法允许我们使用来自使用的信息和结构化词汇资源的信息来注入这些表示。对于语义构成,以前的方法倾向于以部分特异性方式代表短语和句子; DL Models支持全面的陈述,可能会产生洞察力,从传统逻辑理论的角度来看,这将是意外的语义组成的灵活模式。当涉及语用学,DL可以说明这个领域一直在寻找什么:一个灵活的工具,用于代表语言和上下文,捕捉梳理用户互相推理的综合性,可识别的方式。因此,虽然语言学家可能会发现DL的日常工作主要涉及支持昂贵的机器上的高达参数调整,但我争辩说这是对这可以(意外)的语言的洞察力递送。



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