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Pen and Paper Arguments for SIMON and SIMON-like Designs




In this work, we analyze the resistance of Simon-like ciphers against differential attacks without using computer-aided methods. In this context, we first define the notion of a Simon-like cipher as a generalization of the Simon design. For certain instances, we present a method for proving the resistance against differential attacks by upper bounding the probability of a differential characteristic by 2~(-2T+2) where T denotes the number of rounds. Interestingly, if 2n denotes the block length, our result is sufficient in order to bound the probability by 2~(-2n) for all full-round variants of Simon and Simon. Thus, it guarantees security in a sense that, even having encryptions of the full codebook, one cannot expect a differential characteristic to hold. The important difference between previous works is that our proof can be verified by hand and thus contributes towards a better understanding of the design. However, it is to mention that we do not analyze the probability of multi-round differentials. Although there are much better bounds known, especially for a high number of rounds, they are based on experimental search like using SAT/SMT solvers. While those results have already shown that Simon can be considered resistant against differential cryptanalysis, our argument gives more insights into the design itself. As far as we know, this work presents the first non-experimental security argument for full-round versions of several SiMON-like instances.
机译:在这项工作中,我们无需使用计算机辅助方法就可以分析类Simon密码对差分攻击的抵抗力。在这种情况下,我们首先将类Simon密码的概念定义为Simon设计的概括。对于某些情况,我们提出了一种通过将差分特征的概率上限限制为2〜(-2T + 2)来证明对差分攻击的抵抗力的方法,其中T表示回合数。有趣的是,如果2n表示块长,则对于西蒙和西蒙的所有全轮变体,我们的结果足以将概率限制为2〜(-2n)。因此,从某种意义上讲,它保证了安全性,即使对整个码本进行了加密,也无法期望保持差分特性。以前的作品之间的重要区别是,我们的证明可以手工验证,从而有助于更好地理解设计。但是,要提到的是,我们没有分析多轮微分的概率。尽管已知有更好的界限,尤其是对于大量回合而言,但它们是基于实验搜索的,例如使用SAT / SMT求解器。虽然这些结果已经表明,可以认为Simon具有抵抗差分密码分析的能力,但我们的论点提供了对设计本身的更多见解。据我们所知,这项工作提出了一些类似于SiMON实例的完整版本的第一个非实验性安全性论证。



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