
A/B Testing in E-commerce Sales Processes

机译:电子商务销售流程中的A / B测试



E-commerce has traditionally been a field where online controlled experiments, such as A/B testing, take place. Most of these experiments focus on evaluating the front-end of the application and specifically different visual aspects, e.g. creating variations of the layouts, fonts, colors of the site, etc. In this paper we want to experiment whether A/B testing can be used to evaluate e-commerce sales processes and to improve the resilience of these processes. To achieve this goal we developed a tool in collaboration with a company, called Sonician AB, which is focused on marketing automation. The tool has been designed to empower business owners with a virtual assistant able to help customers understanding their needs and making decisions while purchasing products or services. The tool has been evaluated within the company and instantiated in two different business flow cases. Two experiments under real-life conditions show promising results. The paper concludes with lessons learned and a set of guidelines designed to help companies with interest of conducting similar experiments.
机译:传统上,电子商务是进行在线控制实验(例如A / B测试)的领域。这些实验大多数都集中在评估应用程序的前端,特别是评估不同的视觉方面,例如创建站点的布局,字体,颜色等的变体。在本文中,我们要试验是否可以使用A / B测试来评估电子商务销售流程并提高这些流程的弹性。为了实现这一目标,我们与一家名为Sonician AB的公司合作开发了一种工具,该工具专注于营销自动化。该工具旨在为企业所有者提供虚拟助手,以帮助客户了解他们的需求并在购买产品或服务时做出决定。该工具已在公司内部进行了评估,并在两个不同的业务流程案例中进行了实例化。在现实生活中的两项实验显示出令人鼓舞的结果。本文以总结的经验教训和一套旨在帮助有兴趣进行类似实验的公司的准则作为结尾。



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