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IoT-enabled air quality monitoring device: A low cost smart health solution




Air quality Monitoring provides raw measurements of gases and pollutants concentrations, which can then be analyzed and interpreted. Air pollution is a concern in many urban areas and is the major reason for respiratory problems among many people, monitoring the air quality may help many suffering from respiratory problems and diseases, and thereafter informing engineering and policy decision makers to improve the quality of air. Major contributor's air causing respiratory problems are i) Fine particles produced by the burning of fossil fuels (i.e. the coal, petroleum) ii) Noxious gases (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide-CO, chemical vapors.) iii) Ground-level ozone (a reactive form of oxygen and a primary component of urban smog) iv) Volatile Organic Compounds (have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room temperature, formaldehyde-HCHO gas being major component) A prototype for a low cost indoor air monitoring device has been developed to measure the concentration of CO and HCHO gases, monitoring at a specified rate and communicating over cloud to notify to any wireless device when the threshold of these gases is reached. Initial plans included monitoring of additional CO2 and other Noxious gases. But, this could not be achieved due to restrictions on cloud traffic. Though the prototype can be extended and deployed across regions for high-fidelity emissions monitoring to explore the effects of anthropogenic and environmental factors on intra-hour air quality.
机译:空气质量监测提供气体和污染物浓度的原始测量值,然后可以对其进行分析和解释。空气污染在许多城市中是一个令人担忧的问题,并且是许多人中呼吸道疾病的主要原因,监测空气质量可能会帮助许多患有呼吸道疾病和疾病的人,然后通知工程和政策决策者以改善空气质量。造成呼吸系统问题的主要空气来源是:i)燃烧化石燃料(例如煤,石油)产生的细小颗粒; ii)有毒气体(二氧化硫,氮氧化物,一氧化碳-CO,化学蒸气)。iii)地面臭氧(氧气的反应形式和城市烟雾的主要成分)iv)挥发性有机化合物(在常温下具有较高的蒸气压,甲醛-HCHO气体为主要成分)低成本室内空气监测装置的原型具有开发用于测量CO和HCHO气体的浓度,以指定的速率进行监视并通过云进行通信以在达到这些气体的阈值时通知任何无线设备。最初的计划包括监测额外的二氧化碳和其他有毒气体。但是,由于云流量的限制,这无法实现。尽管可以将原型扩展并部署到各个区域,以进行高保真度排放监测,以探讨人为和环境因素对小时内空气质量的影响。



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