首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks >Radiation hardened SEU tolerant Reed Solomon encoder and decoder

Radiation hardened SEU tolerant Reed Solomon encoder and decoder

机译:耐辐射SEU耐Reed Solomon编码器和解码器



Error correcting codes are used for detection and correction of errors in digital communication system. Reed Solomon (RS) codes are part of channel coding and are based on appending of redundancy to the information message to withstand the effect of noise, interference and fading. With the development of smaller process technology, systems are becoming more sensitive to radiation. If not considered, it may result into faulty circuit output even for a good circuit. This paper proposes encoding and decoding algorithm, synthesis and simulation results considering SEU effects for RS(15, 11) encoder and decoder using VHDL.
机译:纠错码用于检测和纠正数字通信系统中的错误。里德·所罗门(Reed Solomon,RS)码是信道编码的一部分,其基础是在信息消息上附加冗余,以承受噪声,干扰和衰落的影响。随着较小的工艺技术的发展,系统对辐射越来越敏感。如果不考虑,即使电路良好也可能导致电路输出错误。针对VHDL的RS(15,11)编码器和解码器的SEU效应,本文提出了编码和解码算法,综合和仿真结果。



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