首页> 外文会议>Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture >An integrated concurrency and core-ISA architectural envelope definition, and test oracle, for IBM POWER multiprocessors

An integrated concurrency and core-ISA architectural envelope definition, and test oracle, for IBM POWER multiprocessors

机译:适用于IBM POWER多处理器的集成并发和核心ISA架构信封定义以及测试oracle



Weakly consistent multiprocessors such as ARM and IBM POWER have been with us for decades, but their subtle programmer-visible concurrency behaviour remains challenging, both to implement and to use; the traditional architecture documentation, with its mix of prose and pseudocode, leaves much unclear. In this paper we show how a precise architectural envelope model for such architectures can be defined, taking IBM POWER as our example. Our model specifies, for an arbitrary test program, the set of all its allowable executions, not just those of some particular implementation. The model integrates an operational concurrency model with an ISA model for the fixed-point non-vector user-mode instruction set (largely automatically derived from the vendor pseudocode, and expressed in a new ISA description language). The key question is the interface between these two: allowing all the required concurrency behaviour, without over-committing to some particular microarchitectural implementation, requires a novel abstract structure. Our model is expressed in a mathematically rigorous language that can be automatically translated to an executable test-oracle tool; this lets one either interactively explore or exhaustively compute the set of all allowed behaviours of intricate test cases, to provide a reference for hardware and software development.
机译:弱一致性的多处理器(例如ARM和IBM POWER)已经存在了数十年,但是它们细微的程序员可见的并发行为在实现和使用上仍然具有挑战性。传统的体系结构文档,结合了散文和伪代码,目前还不清楚。在本文中,我们以IBM POWER为例,说明如何为此类体系结构定义精确的体系结构信封模型。我们的模型为任意测试程序指定了其所有允许执行的集合,而不仅仅是某些特定实现的集合。该模型将操作并发模型与用于定点非矢量用户模式指令集的ISA模型集成在一起(主要是自动从供应商的伪代码派生出来,并以新的ISA描述语言表示)。关键问题是这两者之间的接口:要允许所有必需的并发行为,而不必过度致力于某些特定的微体系结构实现,则需要一种新颖的抽象结构。我们的模型以严格的数学语言表达,可以自动翻译为可执行的test-oracle工具。这样一来,就可以交互式地探索或穷举计算复杂测试用例的所有允许行为的集合,从而为硬件和软件开发提供参考。



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