首页> 外文会议>Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences >E-government Stakeholder Analysis and Management Based on Stakeholder Interactions and Resource Dependencies

E-government Stakeholder Analysis and Management Based on Stakeholder Interactions and Resource Dependencies




Project stakeholders -- those of IT projects in general as well as those of e-government projects in particular -- have considerable influence on the perceived project success. Thus, understanding and managing stakeholder behavior is of great importance. So far, stakeholder theory is used to describe specific aspects of stakeholder influence. However, it cannot explain the distribution of stakeholder influence or the mutual influence stakeholders have on each other. By adding a resource dependency perspective, this research gap can be closed and effective stakeholder management measures can be derived. Based on a case study of an e-government project, the aligned concepts are applied using the dynamic network diagram technique. As a result, dependencies, governance mechanisms, dependency power and securing mechanisms are discussed as enhancements to existing concepts and methods. Finally, implications towards future research and practice of stakeholder analysis and management are derived.



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