
Basic equations of LEP for a silver strip nanolaser




In this paper we present basic equations of the lasing eigenvalue problem (LEP) for a silver strip nanolaser. Such laser is built as a silver nanostrip symmetrically embedded into an active cylinder (shell). Keeping in mind that at the threshold the lasing-mode frequency is real-valued (not attenuated emission), the LEP is formulated in terms of finding pairs of real numbers, where the first one corresponds to the emission wavelength and the second one is the associated threshold value of material gain in the cylinder. Due to the inherent two-fold symmetry of the cross-sectional geometry of this laser, we split the studied problem into four different independent classes of symmetry with respect to the x and y-axes: x-even/y-even case (EE), x-even/y-odd case (EO), x-odd/y-odd case (OO) and x-odd/y-even case (OE). On imposing two-side generalized boundary conditions (GBC) at strip's median line and taking into account continuity of the tangential field components at the circle contour we obtain four independent singular or hyper-singular integral equations (IE). Use of the Nystrom-type discretization enables us to derive four independent characteristic equations for different classes of symmetry and find their roots numerically.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了银带纳米激光器的激光特征值问题(LEP)的基本方程式。这种激光器被构建为对称地嵌入有源圆柱体(外壳)中的银纳米带。请记住,激光模式频率在阈值处是实值(不是衰减的发射),因此LEP的公式是找到成对的实数,其中第一个对应于发射波长,第二个对应于发射波长。气缸中物料增益的相关阈值。由于此激光器的截面几何形状固有的双重对称性,我们将研究的问题针对x和y轴分为四个不同的独立对称类别:x-even / y-even情况(EE ),x奇数/ y奇数情况(EO),x奇数/ y奇数情况(OO)和x奇数/ y-奇数情况(OE)。在带的中线处施加两侧的广义边界条件(GBC)并考虑圆轮廓处切向场分量的连续性,我们获得了四个独立的奇异或超奇异积分方程(IE)。 Nystrom型离散化的使用使我们能够针对不同的对称性类别推导四个独立的特征方程,并在数值上找到其根。



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