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Electromagnetic analysis of the lasing thresholds of hybrid plasmon modes of a silver tube nanolaser with active core and active shell




Results from the electromagnetic modeling of the threshold conditions of hybrid plasmon modes of a laser based on a silver nanotube with an active core and covered with an active shell are presented. We study the modes of such a nanolaser that have their emission wavelengths in the visible-light range. Our analysis uses the mathematically grounded approach called the lasing eigenvalue problem (LEP) for the set of the Maxwell equations and the boundary and radiation conditions. As we study the modes exactly at the threshold, there is no need to invoke nonlinear and quantum models of lasing. Instead, we consider a laser as an open plasmonic resonator equipped with an active region. This allows us to assume that at threshold the natural-mode frequency is real-valued, according to the situation where the losses, in the metal and for the radiation, are exactly balanced with the gain in the active region. Then the emission wavelength and the associated threshold gain can be viewed as parts of two-component eigenvalues, each corresponding to a certain mode. In the configuration considered, potentially there are three types of modes that can lase: the hybrid localized surface plasmon (HLSP) modes of the metal tube, the core modes, and the shell modes. The latter two types can be kept off the visible range in thin enough configurations. Keeping this in mind, we focus on the HLSP modes and study how their threshold gain values change with variations in the geometrical parameters of the nanotube, the core, and the shell. It is found that essentially a single-mode laser can be designed on the difference-type HLSP mode of the azimuth order m = 1, shining in the orange or red spectral region. Furthermore, the threshold values of gain for similar HLSP modes of order m = 2 and 3 can be several times lower, with emission in the violet or blue parts of the spectrum.
机译:给出了基于具有活性核并覆盖有活性壳的银纳米管的激光器的混合等离子体激元模式的阈值条件的电磁建模结果。我们研究了这种纳米激光的模式,这些模式的发射波长在可见光范围内。我们的分析对麦克斯韦方程组以及边界条件和辐射条件使用了数学上扎根的方法,称为激光特征值问题(LEP)。当我们精确地研究阈值时的模式时,就无需调用激光的非线性和量子模型。取而代之的是,我们将激光器视为配备了有源区域的开放式等离子谐振器。这使我们可以假设,根据金属和辐射中的损耗与有源区中的增益完全平衡的情况,在自然状态下,阈值是实值。然后,可以将发射波长和关联的阈值增益视为两个分量特征值的一部分,每个特征值对应于某个模式。在考虑的配置中,可能会发出三种类型的模式:金属管的混合局部表面等离子体激元(HLSP)模式,核心模式和壳模式。后两种类型可以在足够薄的配置下保持在可见范围之外。牢记这一点,我们将重点放在HLSP模式上,并研究其阈值增益值如何随着纳米管,核和壳的几何参数的变化而变化。已经发现,基本上可以在方位阶数m = 1的差分类型HLSP模式上设计单模激光器,该激光器在橙色或红色光谱区域中发光。此外,对于m = 2和3阶的类似HLSP模式,增益的阈值可能会降低几倍,并且在光谱的紫色或蓝色部分发射。



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