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MPI Thread-Level Checking for MPI+OpenMP Applications

机译:MPI + OpenMP应用程序的MPI线程级检查



MPI is the most widely used parallel programming model. But the reducing amount of memory per compute core tends to push MPI to be mixed with shared-memory approaches like OpenMP. In such cases, the interoperability of those two models is challenging. The MPI 2.0 standard defines the so-called thread level to indicate how MPI will interact with threads. But even if hybrid programs are more common, there is still a lack in debugging tools and more precisely in thread level compliance. To fill this gap, we propose a static analysis to verify the thread-level required by an application. This work extends PARCOACH, a GCC plugin focused on the detection of MPI collective errors in MPI and MPI+OpenMP programs. We validated our analysis on computational benchmarks and applications and measured a low overhead.
机译:MPI是使用最广泛的并行编程模型。但是,每个计算核心的内存减少会促使MPI与OpenMP之类的共享内存方法混合使用。在这种情况下,这两个模型的互操作性极具挑战性。 MPI 2.0标准定义了所谓的线程级别,以指示MPI将如何与线程交互。但是,即使混合程序更普遍,仍然缺少调试工具,更确切地说是线程级合规性。为了填补这一空白,我们建议进行静态分析以验证应用程序所需的线程级别。这项工作扩展了PARCOACH,这是一个GCC插件,致力于检测MPI和MPI + OpenMP程序中的MPI集合错误。我们验证了对计算基准和应用程序的分析,并测量了较低的开销。



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