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Citizens Participation in Improving Rural Communities Quality of Life




The concept of participation is very difficult to clearly define, because of the complex framework and the experimental nature of any participatory process. These processes are more difficult to implement in small and isolated communities because of the particularities social structure. I several cases technologies can help citizens in participating in these activities, but the result is strongly related to the predisposition of a communities to use theses ICT tools. "Hack my town" was an "hackathon" among Universities in order to find solutions to "smart villages and territories" problems. It took place in Glorenza, a small medieval village located in the North of Italy, in Val Venosta, near to Swiss boundary. The introduction of smart solutions in a small rural context could be not very easy: Glorenza is, in fact, characterized by a limited predisposition for both technological and social innovation. Participants experienced how a small mountain village can become a smart village through the synergy between students and their professors, stimulating from one side scientific discussion and from another side a creative environment, where new con-ceptual solutions can be found.
机译:由于任何参与过程的复杂框架和实验性质,很难对参与的概念进行明确定义。由于特殊的社会结构,这些过程在小而孤立的社区中更难以实施。在几种情况下,技术可以帮助公民参与这些活动,但是结果与社区倾向于使用这些ICT工具的倾向性密切相关。在大学中,“入侵我的小镇”是一场“黑客马拉松”,目的是寻找解决“智能村庄和领地”问题的解决方案。它发生在格洛伦萨(Glorenza),这是一个位于意大利北部,靠近瑞士边界的瓦尔韦诺斯塔(Val Venosta)的中世纪小村庄。在很小的农村环境中引入智能解决方案可能并非易事:事实上,Glorenza的特征是技术和社会创新的局限性。参与者体验了一个小山村如何通过学生和他们的教授之间的协同作用变成一个聪明的村庄,一方面激发了科学讨论,另一方面激发了创造新概念的解决方案的创造性环境。



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