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Quick Trigger on Stack Overflow: A Study of Gamification-Influenced Member Tendencies




In recent times, gamification has become a popular technique to aid online communities stimulate active member participation. Gamification promotes a reward-driven approach, usually measured by response-time. Possible concerns of gamification could a trade-off between speedy over quality responses. Conversely, bias toward easier question selection for maximum reward may exist. In this study, we analyze the distribution gamification-influenced tendencies on the Q&A Stack Overflow online community. In addition, we define some gamification-influenced metrics related to response time to a question post. We carried experiments of a four-month period analyzing 101,291 members posts. Over this period, we determined a Rapid Response time of 327 seconds (5.45 minutes). Key findings suggest that around 92% of SO members have fewer rapid responses that non-rapid responses. Accepted answers have no clear relationship with rapid responses. However, we did find that rapid responses significantly contain tags that did not follow their usual tagging tendencies.
机译:近年来,游戏化已成为一种流行的技术,可以帮助在线社区刺激会员的积极参与。游戏化提倡一种奖励驱动的方法,通常以响应时间来衡量。对游戏化的担忧可能会在快速响应与质量响应之间进行折衷。相反,可能存在偏向于更容易选择问题以获得最大奖励的偏见。在这项研究中,我们分析了Q&A Stack Overflow在线社区中分布受游戏化影响的趋势。此外,我们定义了一些受游戏化影响的指标,这些指标与对问题帖子的响应时间有关。我们进行了为期四个月的实验,分析了101,291个成员帖子。在此期间,我们确定了327秒(5.45分钟)的快速响应时间。主要发现表明,大约92%的SO成员的快速反应要比非快速反应少。接受的答案与快速反应没有明确的关系。但是,我们确实发现,快速响应中明显包含不遵循其通常标记趋势的标记。



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