首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the Canadian Technical Asphalt Association >Laboratory Development and Field Trials of Thin-Lift Hot Mix Asphalt Overlays Incorporating High Percentages of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement with Warm Mix Asphalt Technology

Laboratory Development and Field Trials of Thin-Lift Hot Mix Asphalt Overlays Incorporating High Percentages of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement with Warm Mix Asphalt Technology




In this study two pavement preservation overlay mixes, a Superpave 4.75mm and a Massachusetts Surface Treatment mixture, were developed with 0, 15, 30, and 50 percent Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP). Each of these mixtures was developed with two Performance Grade (PG) binders (PG 64-28 and a PG 52- 33) each containing 1.5 percent Sasobit(R) Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) technology. Mixtures design data showed that most of the mixtures with high percentages of RAP could be designed to meet specification requirements for gradation and volumetrics. The developed mixtures were evaluated for stiffness and workability. Stiffness testing was conducted utilizing the Asphalt Mixture Performance Tester (AMPT) to evaluate the impact of the aged binder in the RAP on the overall mixture stiffness. Mixtures master curves developed from the AMPT data indicated that there was a degree of blending between the virgin binder added and the aged binder in the RAP. Mixture workability testing data showed that higher RAP contents decreased the workability of the mixture. Finally, several field trials of the Superpave 4.75 mm incorporating 30 percent RAP were placed in selected locations in Massachusetts during 2007. The mixtures were produced and placed without any production or construction issues.
机译:在这项研究中,两个路面保存覆盖混合物,SuperPave 4.75mm和MassAchusetts表面处理混合物,用0,15,30和50%的再生沥青路面(RAP)开发。这些混合物中的每一个用两种性能等级(PG)粘合剂(PG 64-28和PG 52-33)开发,每个性能均含有1.5%的Sasobit(R)温混合沥青(WMA)技术。混合设计数据显示,大多数具有高百分比RAP的混合物可以旨在满足渐变和体积的规范要求。评估所发育的混合物以进行刚度和可加工性。利用沥青混合剂性能测试仪(AMPT)进行刚度测试,以评估老化粘合剂在整体混合物刚度的RAP中的影响。从AMPT数据开发的混合物主曲线表明,在RAP中添加的原始粘合剂和Aged粘合剂之间存在一定程度的混合。混合物的可加工性测试数据表明,较高的说明含量降低了混合物的可加工性。最后,在2007年,将30%RAP的SuperPave 4.75mm的几个田间试验置于马萨诸塞州的选定位置。在没有任何生产或施工问题的情况下生产并放置混合物。



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