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Exploring the Conditions for Global Nuclear Disarmament




Almost since the use of two atomic bombs in Japan at the end of World War Ⅱ in the 1940s, there has been a push for the elimination of nuclear weapons, as called for in the preamble and Article VI of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. While the level of public and governmental support has varied over the years, the idea of total nuclear disarmament has experienced a renaissance in the United States, incited by the so-called Four Horsemen article in The Wall Street Journal. The pursuit of global nuclear disarmament has been fully embraced by US President Barack Obama and his administration; shortly after being elected, he gave a speech in Prague in 2009 that committed the United States to "seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons" through a series of concrete steps while maintaining a "safe, secure, and effective arsenal" until such a day arrives. Many of the ideas contained in this speech were later reflected in the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), a document that outlined current US nuclear weapon policy. The 2010 NPR is noteworthy in that it clearly states the long-term goal of the United States is the global elimination of all nuclear weapons, but with the caution that the necessary conditions for such actions do not currently exist and therefore must be created. Upon examination of the 2010 NPR, it becomes clear that one of the key conditions for global zero is strategic stability, defined by James Acton to be a security environment where states enjoy peaceful relations with one another. In order to achieve such an environment, strategic stability must be preserved, created, and reinforced in order to build a world free from nuclear weapons. Therefore, it is important to examine the tenets of the NPR, review the conditions necessary to achieve total nuclear disarmament, and propose steps that could be taken to make such conditions more likely and, in principle, allow for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Work examining such a process will offer a methodical and logical approach toward the reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear weapons, as well as ensure that such a world can be preserved and sustained.
机译:自从1940年代第二次世界大战末期在日本使用两枚原子弹以来,就一直在推动消除核武器的努力,这是《核不扩散条约》序言和第六条所要求的。尽管多年来公共和政府支持的程度各不相同,但美国在《华尔街日报》上所谓的“四骑士”一文的启发下,全面核裁军的想法在美国经历了复兴。美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马及其政府已完全拥护对全球核裁军的追求。当选后不久,他给在布拉格在2009年讲话中承诺美国通过一系列的具体措施“寻求一个世界没有核武器的和平与安全”,同时维持“安全,可靠和有效的核武库”直到这一天到来。演讲中包含的许多想法后来反映在《 2010年核态势评估》(NPR)中,该文件概述了美国目前的核武器政策。值得注意的是,2010年《不扩散核武器条约》明确指出了美国的长期目标是在全球范围内销毁所有核武器,但要谨慎行事,目前尚不存在采取此类行动的必要条件,因此必须创造这些条件。通过对2010 NPR的审查,可以清楚地看到,实现全球零的关键条件之一是战略稳定,詹姆斯·阿克顿(James Acton)将其定义为一种安全环境,各国之间可以享有和平关系。为了实现这种环境,必须维护,创造和加强战略稳定,以建立一个没有核武器的世界。因此,重要的是审查《不扩散核武器条约》的宗旨,审查实现全面核裁军的必要条件,并提出可采取的措施,使这种条件更有可能发生,并在原则上允许消除核武器。审查这一进程的工作将为减少和最终消除核武器提供有条理和逻辑的方法,并确保可以维护和维持这样的世界。



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