首页> 外文会议>Annual Conference and Expo of the Institute of Industrial Engineers >Models of Diagnosis and Improvement in the Supply Chain for SMEs in Mexico

Models of Diagnosis and Improvement in the Supply Chain for SMEs in Mexico




In Mexico, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the economic growth of the country, that's why developing "Tools" that evaluate and improve their performance will help to grow and develop these companies. This research describes a model specially designed for small and medium companies. The main focus of this model is the supply chain for SMEs. I will analyze different views, scenarios and possible tools to solve problems. Various experts in the subject participate in this model. The use of the Delphi method plays a key role.
机译:在墨西哥,中小企业(中小企业)在该国的经济增长中发挥着重要作用,这就是为什么开发评估和改善其绩效的“工具”的原因有助于成长和发展这些公司。 本研究描述了一款专为中小型公司设计的模型。 该模型的主要重点是中小企业的供应链。 我将分析不同的视图,方案和可能的工具来解决问题。 该主题的各种专家参与了这一模型。 Delphi方法的使用扮演关键作用。



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