首页> 外文会议>Conseil International des Grands Reseaux Electriques;International Council on Large Electric Systems;CIGRE session >The role of innovative grid-impacting technologies towards the development of the future pan-European system: the GridTech project

The role of innovative grid-impacting technologies towards the development of the future pan-European system: the GridTech project




For the achievement of the European Union’s ambitious renewable energy targets for 2020 andbeyond, extensive electricity system planning and investments are necessary. This covers electricitygeneration capacity, transmission networks, and supporting technologies and measures that will ensureclean, secure and efficient energy supply.Within this framework, the European project GridTech mainly aims at conducting a fully integratedassessment of new grid-impacting technologies and their implementation into the European electricitysystem. This will allow comparing different technological options towards the exploitation of the fullpotential of future electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES), with the lowestpossible total electricity system cost.Within the 2020, 2030 and 2050 time horizons, the goal is to assess where, when, and to which extentinnovative technologies could effectively contribute to the further development of the Europeantransmission grid, fostering the integration of an ever-increasing penetration of RES generation andboosting the creation of a pan-European electricity market, while maintaining secure, competitive andsustainable electricity supply.The present paper focuses on the ongoing activities and approach followed by the GridTech project:final results and recommendations are expected by beginning of 2015.
机译:为了实现欧盟雄心勃勃的2020年可再生能源目标, 除此之外,还必须进行广泛的电力系统规划和投资。这包括电 发电能力,传输网络以及支持技术和措施,以确保 清洁,安全和高效的能源供应。 在此框架内,欧洲项目GridTech主要旨在进行完全集成 评估影响电网的新技术及其在欧洲电力中的实施 系统。这样可以比较不同的技术选择,以充分利用 未来可再生能源发电的潜力最低 可能的总电力系统成本。 在2020年,2030年和2050年的时间范围内,目标是评估在何时何地以及在何种程度上 创新技术可以有效地促进欧洲的进一步发展 输电网,促进整合不断增长的RES发电和 促进建立泛欧电力市场,同时保持安全,竞争和 可持续的电力供应。 本文着重于GridTech项目正在进行的活动和方法: 预计最终结果和建议将在2015年初开始。


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