
Thermo-mechanical dynamic rating of OHTL: applications to Italian lines




The power flow limits in the transmission lines are set so as to ensure a given level of reliability in the electric system; an improper assessment of these limits can increase the number of events where renewable generators are shed or curtailed, or restrict to the free trading of energy, with the consequent onset of zonal prices.In the new deregulated context and in presence of a high degree of renewable penetration, the loading patterns of transmission and interconnection lines differ from those for which they were originally planned, and the transmission system could be sometimes congested.Straightforward solutions to this problem include construction of new power transmission lines and/or upgrades to the existing ones. However, such solutions require societal and environmental concerns and often cause lengthy approval processes.Alternative solutions focus on a better utilization of existing transmission lines through improved methods of thermal rating assessment. Thermal rating of a transmission line is the highest current that the line can carry under assigned meteorological conditions. This current-carrying capacity is limited in practice by the maximum allowed operating temperature; if the temperature limit is exceeded, conductor ground clearances are reduced. As a consequence, compliance with safety codes and reliability of line operation may be violated.Dynamic thermal rating (DTR) of transmission lines represents a significant improvement over the more traditional static rating. This is because DTR uses actual operating conditions, rather than assumed conservative environmental conditions or historical averages. Dynamic methods can provide ampacity either directly, based on actual measurements of conductor conditions in some critical points (e.g. temperature or sag), or indirectly, using ambient weather conditions. Dynamic rating is particularly interesting for TSOs, because the thermal time constant of conductors is relatively high (more than 10 minutes); this fact allows exploiting the dynamic performances of conductors, i.e. currents significantly higher than the steady-state thermal limits, in the meantime that the system is re-dispatched. This reduces re-dispatching costs, enhances system reliability and minimizes the curtailment of renewable energy sources.The development of thermo-dynamic calculation methods for estimating the temperature of the conductor, under specific meteorological and power flow conditions, has been widely performed in the past, especially for low conductor's temperatures. However, from the analysis of the literature, it arises that the dynamic thermal stress due to line current and weather conditions has been faced in the past taking into account only one span, under the hypothesis that the insulator strings were rigid.Conversely, the DTR algorithm proposed in this paper takes into account that in a real multi-span line, with different span lengths armed by insulator strings, supporting the same conductor and subjected to different temperature variations, longitudinal displacements arise due to different conductor elongations in each span; as a consequence, sag elongations can significantly differ from those calculated under the hypothesis of rigid insulator strings.A tool, which combines the CIGRE thermal model of conductors and a complex multi-span mechanical model of the line, was developed by TERNA, the Italian TSO, in collaboration with the University of Pisa, then tested on existing transmission lines. After a description of the tool, the operational results already obtained in the perspective of a TSO, hence in terms of reduced curtailment of wind production and real-time assessment of margins of temporary overloading of a congested line, are here shown and discussed.
机译:设置传输线中的功率极限,以确保电气系统达到给定的可靠性水平;对这些限制的不当评估会增加可再生发电机脱落或减少的事件数量,或限制能源的自由交易,从而导致区域价格上涨。 在新的放松管制的背景下,在可再生能源渗透率很高的情况下,输电和互连线路的负载方式与最初计划的方式有所不同,传输系统有时会变得拥挤。 直接解决该问题的方法包括建造新的输电线路和/或升级现有的输电线路。但是,这样的解决方案需要社会和环境方面的考虑,并且常常导致漫长的批准过程。 替代解决方案着重于通过改进的热额定值评估方法更好地利用现有传输线。传输线的热额定值是在指定的气象条件下传输线可以承载的最大电流。实际上,这种载流能力受到最大允许工作温度的限制。如果超过温度极限,则导体的接地间隙会减小。结果,可能会违反安全规范和线路操作的可靠性。 传输线的动态热额定值(DTR)与传统的静态额定值相比有很大的改进。这是因为DTR使用的是实际操作条件,而不是假定的保守环境条件或历史平均值。动态方法可以基于导体条件在某些临界点(例如温度或垂度)的实际测量结果直接提供载流量,或使用环境天气条件间接提供载流量。对于TSO而言,动态额定值特别有趣,因为导体的热时间常数相对较高(超过10分钟)。这个事实允许在重新分配系统的同时利用导体的动态性能,即电流明显高于稳态热极限。这减少了重新调度的成本,提高了系统的可靠性,并最大程度地减少了可再生能源的消耗。 过去已经广泛进行了热力学计算方法的开发,该方法用于在特定的气象和功率流条件下估算导体的温度,尤其是对于导体温度较低的情况。然而,从文献分析中可以得出,在过去假设绝缘子串是刚性的情况下,由于仅考虑一个跨度,就已经面临由于线路电流和天气条件引起的动态热应力。 相反,本文提出的DTR算法考虑到,在一条实际的多跨线路中,跨度不同的跨度由绝缘子串武装,支撑同一根导体并经受不同的温度变化,由于导体的伸长不同,会产生纵向位移。每个跨度;结果,下垂伸长率可能与在刚性绝缘子串假设下计算出的下垂伸长率明显不同。 由意大利TSO的TERNA与比萨大学合作,开发了一种将导体的CIGRE热模型与线路的复杂多跨机械模型相结合的工具,然后在现有的输电线路上进行了测试。在对工具进行了描述之后,此处将展示和讨论从TSO角度已经获得的运行结果,从而减少了风力发电的减少,并实时评估了拥堵线暂时超载的余量。



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