首页> 外文会议>Water, Engineering and Development Centre;National University of Civil Engineering;WEDC international conference >Metered handpumps: privately operated handpumps as a way to improve sustainability and service delivery

Metered handpumps: privately operated handpumps as a way to improve sustainability and service delivery




In Uganda, Water User Committees dominate management of water supplies in rural areas. However,their failure to efficiently collect user fees to cater for operation and maintenance has led to thestagnation of water coverage. In contrast piped water schemes common in urban areas are metered andmanaged by private operators. Overall, statistics reveal higher functionality rates for metered systems.To encourage private sector engagement in the operation of the point water sources, Water for Peopleand Appropriate Technology Centre have on-going research under which a meter for handpumps isbeing tested. This product has been introduced to entrepreneurs with the expectation that they will proveto be better managers of water points than the current committees. The results have been mixed with thecurrent water-meter not adequate for high-yielding boreholes. However, there is unmistaken increase inrevenue owing to the water meter.
机译:在乌干达,用水户委员会主导着农村地区的供水管理。然而, 他们未能有效收取用户费用来满足运营和维护需求,导致 水覆盖范围停滞。相比之下,城市地区常见的自来水管道系统是按计量计费的 由私人运营商管理。总体而言,统计数据表明计量系统具有更高的功能率。 为了鼓励私营部门参与点式水源的运营,“人的水” 和适当的技术中心正在进行的研究中 正在测试中。该产品已介绍给企业家,期望他们能够证明 成为比现有委员会更好的水位管理者。结果与 当前的水表不足以用于高产钻孔。但是,毫无疑问, 收入归功于水表。



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