
Climate change and water supply in the Mekong Delta and Ho Chi Minh City




The combination of natural and induced land subsidence, sea level rise and other effects of climatechange, such as extended periods of drought, greatly affects agriculture and water supply. It aggravatesand accelerates sea water intrusion further inland and reduces the availability of fresh water as a sourcefor public water supply. The salinity of the groundwater that is used for public water supply in the city ofSoc Trang in the Mekong Delta is locally very high. A surface water treatment plant will be constructedto dilute or substitute the groundwater with a chloride content exceeding the Vietnamese standard of 250mg/l for clean water. Ho Chi Minh City relies largely on rivers for its public water supply. Raw water istaken from the Dong Nai and Sai Gon rivers. The salinity of the water of these rivers varies substantiallywith the tides and with the season. During the dry season with limited natural discharge salinity canexceed the Vietnamese standard for chloride. Construction of impounding reservoirs would allowselective intake of river water when salinity is relatively low.
机译:自然和人工土地沉降,海平面上升和其他气候影响的结合 干旱等长期变化,极大地影响了农业和供水。它加剧了 并加速了海水向内陆的入侵,并减少了淡水作为水源的可利用性 用于公共供水。萨尔茨堡市用于公共供水的地下水盐度。 湄公河三角洲的Soc Trang在当地很高。将建设地表水处理厂 用超过越南标准250的氯化物稀释或替代地下水 毫克/升的净水。胡志明市的公共供水主要依靠河流。原水是 取自同奈河和西贡河。这些河流的水盐度变化很大 与潮汐和季节。在干旱季节,自然排泄盐分有限 超过越南氯化物标准。蓄水池的建设将允许 当盐度相对较低时,有选择地摄取河水。



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