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SaberX4: High-Throughput Software Implementation of Saber Key Encapsulation Mechanism




Saber is a module lattice-based CCA-secure key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) which has been shortlisted for the second round of NIST's Post Quantum Cryptography Standardization project. To attain simplicity and efficiency on constrained devices, the Saber algorithm is serial by construction. However, on high-end platforms, such as modern Intel processors with AVX2 instructions, Saber achieves limited speedup using vector processing instructions due to its serial nature. In this paper we overcome the above-mentioned algorithmic bottleneck and propose a high-throughput software implementation of Saber, which we call 'SaberX4', targeting modern Intel processors with AVX2 vector processing support. We apply the batching technique at the highest level of the implementation hierarchy and process four Saber KEM operations simultaneously in parallel using the AVX2 vector processing instructions. Our proof-of-concept software implementation of SaberX4 achieves nearly 1.5 times higher throughput at the cost of latency degradation within acceptable margins, compared to the AVX2-optimized non-batched implementation of Saber by its authors. We anticipate that both latency and throughput of SaberX4 will improve in the future with improved computer architectures and more optimization efforts.
机译:Saber是一种基于模块的CCA-Secure钥匙封装机制(KEM),它已在第二轮NIST的Quantum加密标准化项目中被遗行。为了实现约束设备的简单性和效率,Saber算法通过施工串行。然而,在具有AVX2指令的现代英特尔处理器等高端平台上,Saber使用串行性质,使用矢量处理指令实现有限的加速。在本文中,我们克服了上述算法瓶颈,并提出了一个高吞吐量的软件实现,我们称之为“Saberx4”,针对具有AVX2矢量处理支持的现代英特尔处理器。我们在实现层次结构的最高级别应用批处理技术,并使用AVX2矢量处理指令同时处理四个Saber KEM操作。与其作者的AVX2优化的未经批准实施相比,我们的概念证据实现了SaberX4的延迟降解成本达到了较高的1.5倍吞吐量较高的吞吐量。我们预计SaberX4的潜伏期和吞吐量都将在未来改善计算机架构和更优化的努力。



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