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Attentional bias for emotional faces in depressed and non-depressed individuals: an eye-tracking study




Current assessment tools for clinicians in mental health evaluation relies mostly on patient self-report and clinician’s judgement. Recent studies suggest that affective disorders are correlated to attentional bias for visual information. This study used eye-tracking technology to measure attentional bias for faces in depressed and non-depressed individuals. The experiment was based on a free-viewing task of pair of faces including 4 types of expressions: neutral, sad, happy and angry. 69 individuals took part in this study. All the participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) to evaluate the severity of depressive symptoms. The attention indexes were total time for eye events, total fixation duration, ratio of total fixation and eye events, and fixation duration on each face. The results showed that depressed individuals have a significant (p = 0.005) difference in the total time of eye events (302.4±41.2) compared to non-depressed individuals (331.5±39.3) and revealed a tendency to disengage from emotional stimuli with differences in the total fixation in pair of faces. The study demonstrated that the use of eye-tracking is a valuable tool to asses attentional bias and important technology that could be used to improve diagnosis technics.
机译:心理健康评估中临床医生的当前评估工具主要依赖于患者自我报告和临床医生的判断。最近的研究表明,情感障碍与视觉信息的注意力偏差相关。本研究采用了眼跟踪技术来衡量抑郁和非抑郁个体面孔的注意力偏差。实验基于一对面孔的自由观察任务,包括4种表达式:中性,悲伤,快乐和愤怒。 69人参加了这项研究。所有参与者完成了BECK抑郁库存II(BDI-II),以评估抑郁症状的严重程度。注意指标是眼事件的总时间,总固定持续时间,总固定和眼事件的比例,以及每张面上的固定持续时间。结果表明,与非抑郁个体(331.5±39.3)相比,抑制的个体在眼事事件的总时间(302.4±41.2)中的总时间有显着(p = 0.005)差异(331.5±39.3),并揭示了从情绪刺激脱离的倾向对面部的总固定。该研究表明,使用眼跟踪是一种有价值的工具,可以赋予可用于改善诊断技术的注意力偏差和重要技术。



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