
Time-frequency visualization of alcohol withdrawal tremors




In this paper, we propose a signal processing method of assessing the severity tremors caused by alcohol withdrawal (AW) syndrome. We have developed an iOS application to calculate the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment (CIWA) score which captures iPod movements using the built-in accelerometer in order to reliably estimate the tremor severity component of the score. We report on the characteristics of AW tremor, the accuracy of electronic assessment of tremor compared to expert clinician assessment, and the potential for using signal processing assessment to differentiate factitious from real tremor in patients seen in the emergency department, as well as in nurses mimicking a tremor. Our preliminary results are based on 84 recordings from 61 subjects (49 patients, 12 nurses). In general we found a linear relationship between energy measured by the accelerometer (in the 4.4–10 Hz range) and the expert rating of tremor severity. Additionally, we demonstrate that 75% of the recordings from patients with actual AW syndrome had a mean peak frequency higher than 7 Hz whereas only 17% of the nurses' factitious tremors were above 7 Hz, suggesting that tremor above 7 Hz could be a potential discriminator of real versus factitious tremors.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种评估由酒精戒断(AW)综合征引起的严重震颤的信号处理方法。我们已经开发了一个iOS应用程序来计算临床研究所的戒断评估(CIWA)得分,该得分使用内置的加速度计来捕获iPod的运动,以便可靠地估计得分的震颤严重程度。我们报告了震颤的特征,震颤电子评估与专家临床医师评估相比的准确性,以及在急诊科以及模拟护士中使用信号处理评估来区分人为震颤和真实震颤的潜力震颤。我们的初步结果基于61位受试者(49位患者,12位护士)的84份录音。总的来说,我们发现由加速度计测量的能量(在4.4-10 Hz范围内)与震颤严重程度的专家评级之间存在线性关系。此外,我们证明实际AW综合征患者的录音中有75%的平均峰值频率高于7 Hz,而护士的人为震颤中只有17%高于7 Hz,这表明高于7 Hz的震颤可能是潜在的。区分真实震颤和人为震颤。



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