首页> 外文会议>Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems >A low cost fluorescence lifetime measurement system based on SPAD detectors and FPGA processing

A low cost fluorescence lifetime measurement system based on SPAD detectors and FPGA processing




This work presents a low cost fluorescence life time measurement system, aimed at carrying out fast diagnostic tests through label detection in a portable system so it can be used in a medical consultation, within a short time span. The system uses Time Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC), measuring the arrival time of individual photons and building a histogram of those times, showing the fluorescence decay of the label which is characteristic of each fluorescent substance. The system is implemented using a Xilinx FPGA which controls the experiment and includes a Time to Digital Converter (TDC) to perform measurements with a resolution in the order of tenths of picoseconds. Also included are a laser diode and the driving electronics to generate short pulses as well as a HV-CMOS implemented Single Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) as a high gain sensor. The system is entirely configurable so it can easily be adapted to the target label molecule and measurement needs. The histogram is constructed within the FPGA and can then be read as convenient. Various performance parameters are also shown, as well as experimental measurements of a quantum dot fluorescence decay as a proof of concept.
机译:这项工作提出了一种低成本的荧光寿命时间测量系统,旨在通过便携式系统中的标签检测进行快速诊断测试,因此可以在短时间内在医学咨询中使用。该系统使用时间相关的单光子计数(TCSPC),测量单个光子的到达时间并建立那些时间的直方图,显示标签的荧光衰减,其是每个荧光物质的特征。使用Xilinx FPGA来实现该系统,该Xilinx FPGA控制实验,并包括数字转换器(TDC)的时间,以便按十分之一的PICoSeconds的分辨率执行测量。还包括激光二极管和驱动电子器件,用于产生短脉冲以及HV-CMOS实现的单光子雪崩二极管(SPAD)作为高增益传感器。该系统完全可配置,因此它可以很容易地适应目标标签分子和测量需求。直方图构造在FPGA内,然后可以是方便的。还示出了各种性能参数,以及量子点荧光衰减作为概念证据的实验测量。



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