首页> 外文会议>Annual conference of the International Society of Exposure Science >Blood Lead Concentrations and Cardiovascular Mortality in the United States; The NHANES Mortality Follow-up Cohort Study

Blood Lead Concentrations and Cardiovascular Mortality in the United States; The NHANES Mortality Follow-up Cohort Study

机译:美国的血铅浓度和心血管死亡率; NHANES死亡率随访队列研究



Background: Environmental lead exposure, measured using blood lead concentration, is an established risk factor for hypertension, but the relation of blood lead concentration with cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and the number of deaths attributable to it are uncertain. Aims: To quantify the contributions of lead exposure to all-cause mortality and CVD mortality in the United States. Methods: We quantified the contribution of blood lead concentration to total deaths and deaths from CVD, ischemic heart disease (IHD) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) among 11,261 adults (>30 years at baseline) in the NHANES Follow-up Study. Participants were followed through December 31, 2006. We used Cox proportional hazard regression and adjusted for a variety of confounders, including sex, age, race, current and former tobacco use, income, obesity, diet, cholesterol, urinary cadmium, diabetes, hypertension, and physical activity. Results: During a median follow-up of 14.5 years, 3,290 participants died; 1,430 (43%) from CVD. The geometric mean blood lead of participants at baseline was 2.95 mg/dL; 3,065 (21.7%) had a blood lead >5 mg/dL. Adjusted hazard ratios for death among participants with blood lead levels in the highest tertile (> 3.9 mg/dL) compared with the lowest tertile (< 1.9 mg/dL) were 1.28 (95%CI=1.10,1.49) for total mortality, 1.56 (95%CI=1.20, 2.01) for CVD mortality, 1.71 (95%CI=1.19, 2.45) for IHD mortality and 1.97 (95%CI=1.15, 3.36) for AMI mortality. Adjusted population attributable fractions were 11.2% (95% CI=0.13, 21) for total mortality, 19.2% (95%CI=4.4 to 32) for CVD mortality, 23.3% for IHD mortality (95%CI=5.3 to 38), and 27.1% (95%CI=5.7 to 43.6) for AMI mortality. We estimate that lead exposure accounts for 247,000 avoidable deaths each year; 175,000 from CVD, 122,000 from IHD deaths and 55,000 from AMI. Conclusion: Low-level, environmental lead exposure is a leading, but largely ignored risk factor for cardiovascular mortality in the United States.
机译:背景:使用血铅浓度测量的环境铅暴露是高血压的既定危险因素,但是血铅浓度与心血管疾病(CVD)死亡率之间的关系以及可归因于此的死亡人数尚不确定。目的:量化美国铅暴露对全因死亡率和CVD死亡率的贡献。方法:在NHANES随访研究中,我们量化了11,261名成年人(基线期> 30岁)中血铅浓度对总死亡和CVD,缺血性心脏病(IHD)和急性心肌梗死(AMI)死亡的贡献。参与者被跟踪到2006年12月31日。我们使用Cox比例风险回归并针对各种混杂因素进行了调整,包括性别,年龄,种族,当前和以前的烟草使用,收入,肥胖症,饮食,胆固醇,尿镉,糖尿病,高血压和体育锻炼。结果:在中位随访时间14.5年中,有3,290名参与者死亡。 1,430(43%)来自CVD。基线时参与者的几何平均血铅为2.95 mg / dL; 3,065(21.7%)的血铅> 5 mg / dL。在最高三分位数(> 3.9 mg / dL)与最低三分位数(<1.9 mg / dL)的血铅水平参与者中,调整后的死亡危险比为1.28(95%CI = 1.10,1.49),总死亡率为1.56 CVD死亡率为(95%CI = 1.20,2.01),IHD死亡率为1.71(95%CI = 1.19,2.45),AMI死亡率为1.97(95%CI = 1.15,3.36)。调整后的人群归因分数分别为:总死亡率的11.2%(95%CI = 0.13,21),CVD死亡率的19.2%(95%CI = 4.4至32),IHD死亡率的23.3%(95%CI = 5.3至38), AMI死亡率为27.1%(95%CI = 5.7至43.6)。我们估计铅暴露每年导致247,000例可避免的死亡。 CVD引起175,000,IHD死亡引起122,000,AMI引起55,000。结论:在美国,低水平的环境铅暴露是导致心血管疾病死亡的领先因素,但在很大程度上被忽略。



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