
How to Recover Any Byte of Plaintext on RC4




In FSE 2013, Isobe et al. proposed efficient plaintext recovery attacks on RC4 in the broadcast setting where the same plaintext is encrypted with different user keys. Their attack is able to recover first 1000 terabytes of a plaintext with probability of almost one, given 234 ciphertexts encrypted by different keys. Since their attack essentially exploits biases in the initial (1st to 257th) bytes of the keystream, it does not work any more if such initial bytes are disregarded. This paper proposes two advanced plaintext recovery attacks that can recover any byte of a plaintext without relying on initial biases, i.e., our attacks are feasible even if initial bytes of the keystream are disregarded. The first attack is the modified Isobe et al.'s attack. Using the partial knowledge of the target plaintext, e.g., only 6 bytes of the plaintext, the other bytes can be recovered with the high probability from 2~(34) ciphertexts. The second attack does not require any previous knowledge of a plaintext. In order to achieve it, we develop a guess-and-determine plaintext recovery method based on two strong long-term biases. Given 2~(35) ciphertexts, any byte of a plaintext can be recovered with probability close to one.
机译:在2013年FSE中,Isobe等人。提出了在广播设置中对RC4进行有效的明文恢复攻击的方法,其中相同的明文使用不同的用户密钥加密。给定234个用不同密钥加密的密文,他们的攻击能够恢复前1000 TB的明文,概率几乎为1。由于他们的攻击实质上利用了密钥流的初始(第1至257)字节中的偏差,因此,如果忽略此类初始字节,它将不再起作用。本文提出了两种高级的纯文本恢复攻击,它们可以在不依赖初始偏差的情况下恢复纯文本的任何字节,即即使忽略密钥流的初始字节,我们的攻击也是可行的。第一个攻击是改良的Isobe等人的攻击。使用目标明文的部分知识,例如仅6个字节的明文,可以从2〜(34)个密文中以较高的概率恢复其他字节。第二次攻击不需要任何以前的明文知识。为了实现这一目标,我们基于两个强烈的长期偏见开发了一种猜测并确定明文恢复方法。给定2〜(35)个密文,可以以接近1的概率恢复明文的任何字节。



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