首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Pattern Recognition >RSAN: Residual Subtraction and Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution

RSAN: Residual Subtraction and Attention Network for Single Image Super-Resolution




The single-image super-resolution (SISR) aims to recover a potential high-resolution image from its low-resolution version. Recently, deep learning-based methods have played a significant role in super-resolution field due to its effectiveness and efficiency. However, most of the SISR methods neglect the importance among the feature map channels. Moreover, they can not eliminate the redundant noises, making the output image be blurred. In this paper, we propose the residual subtraction and attention network (RSAN) for powerful feature expression and channels importance learning. More specifically, RSAN firstly implements one redundance removal module to learn noise information in the feature map and subtract noise through residual learning. Then it introduces the channel attention module to amplify high-frequency information and suppress the weight of effectless channels. Experimental results on extensive public benchmarks demonstrate our RSAN achieves significant improvement over the previous SISR methods in terms of both quantitative metrics and visual quality.



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