首页> 外文会议>Conference on remote sensing for agriculture, ecosystems, and hydrology >Application of Landsat images for quantifying the energy balance under conditions of land use changes in the semi-arid region of Brazil

Application of Landsat images for quantifying the energy balance under conditions of land use changes in the semi-arid region of Brazil




In the Nilo Coelho irrigation scheme, Brazil, the natural vegetation has been replaced by irrigated agriculture, bringing importance for the quantification of the effects on the energy exchanges between the mixed vegetated surfaces and the lower atmosphere. Landsat satellite images and agro-meteorological stations from 1992 to 2011 were used together, for modelling these exchanges. Surface albedo (α_o), NDVI and surface temperature (T_o) were the basic remote sensing retrieving parameters necessary to calculate the latent heat flux (λE) and the surface resistance to evapotranspiration (r_s) on a large scale. The daily net radiation (R_n) was obtained from α_o, air temperature (T_a) and short-wave transmissivity (t_(sw)) throughout the slob equation, allowing the quantification of the daily sensible heat flux (H) by residual in the energy balance equation. With a threshold value for r_s, it was possible to separate the energy fluxes from crops and natural vegetation. The averaged fractions of R_n partitioned as H and λE, were in average 39 and 67%, respectively. It was observed an increase of the energy used for the evapotranspiration process inside irrigated areas from 51% in 1992 to 80% in 2011, with the ratio λE/R_n presenting an increase of 3 % per year. The tools and models applied in the current research, can subsidize the monitoring of the coupled climate and land use changes effects in irrigation perimeters, being valuable when aiming the sustainability of the irrigated agriculture in the future, avoiding conflicts among different water users.
机译:在巴西的Nilo Coelho灌溉计划中,自然植被已被灌溉农业所取代,为混合植被表面和低层大气之间的能量交换作用的量化而替代。 Landsat卫星图像和来自1992年至2011年的农业气象站被使用在一起,用于建模这些交流。表面反培(α_O),NDVI和表面温度(T_O)是基本遥感检索参数,以计算潜热通量(λe)和大规模蒸散蒸腾(R_S)的表面抗性。每日净辐射(R_N)在整个SLOB方程中从α_O,空气温度(T_A)和短波透射率(T_(SW))获得,允许通过能量的残留量定量日常显热通量(H)平衡方程。对于R_S的阈值,可以将能量通量与作物和天然植被分开。作为H和λe分配的R_n的平均分子分别平均为39和67%。观察到灌溉区域内蒸散过程中使用的能量的增加,从1992年的51%到2011年的80%,比率λe/ r_n每年增加3%。应用在目前的研究中的工具和模型可以补贴对灌溉周长的耦合气候和土地利用变化影响的监测,在旨在将来灌溉农业的可持续性,避免不同水位的冲突。



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