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EnvISIon™ Sustainability Rating: Sun Valley Watershed Multi-Benefit Project




The Sun Valley Watershed Multi-Benefit Project is a first-of-its-kind venture geared at managing storm water for the Sun Valley Watershed to provide flood protection, improved watershed health, an increase in open space and recreational opportunities, and an increase in wildlife habitat. The Sun Valley Watershed is historically plagued with several watershed health issues such as severe flooding, poor water quality, and industrial and residential urbanization. The watershed lacks a comprehensive storm drain system, and consequently suffers from chronic, severe flooding during moderate storm events. During these events, intersections are inundated and stormwater on major streets resemble river flows. In 2001 Los Angeles County led a comprehensive effort to address all of the watershed health issues in Sun Valley through a multi-benefit approach. A group of stakeholders was assembled to form the Sun Valley Watershed Stakeholders Group. The group aims to develop long term solutions to the chronic flooding issues that provide additional benefits to the community. This group consists of local and federal agencies, government offices, environmental groups, local businesses, conservation agencies and residents of the community. The mission of the Sun Valley Watershed Stakeholders Group is to solve the local flooding problem while retaining all stormwater runoff from the watershed, increasing water conservation, recreational opportunities, and wildlife habitat, and reducing stormwater pollution. This led to the development of the Sun Valley Watershed Management Plan which identified fifteen pilot components that collectively achieve the established watershed goals. Since the development of this plan, four of the components have been constructed and an additional four are in the planning and design phases. The Sun Valley Watershed Multi-Benefit Project encompasses the following eight constructed and proposed components. See Figure 1 for the watershed map illustrating the locations of eight components.
机译:Sun Valley流域综合收益项目是首个此类项目,旨在为Sun Valley流域管理雨水,以提供防洪保护,改善流域健康,增加开放空间和休闲机会,以及增加野生动物栖息地。从历史上看,太阳谷流域一直遭受着一些流域健康问题的困扰,例如严重的洪水,水质差以及工业和住宅城市化。该分水岭缺乏完善的暴雨排水系统,因此在中度暴风雨期间遭受了长期严重的洪灾。在这些事件中,十字路口被淹没,主要街道上的雨水就像河水一样。 2001年,洛杉矶县领导了一项综合努力,以多种收益的方式解决了太阳谷中所有分水岭的健康问题。一群利益相关者组成了太阳谷流域利益相关者小组。该小组旨在为长期洪水问题开发长期解决方案,从而为社区带来更多利益。该小组由地方和联邦机构,政府部门,环保组织,当地企业,保护机构和社区居民组成。太阳谷分水岭利益相关者小组的任务是解决当地的洪水问题,同时保留分水岭的所有雨水径流,增加节水,娱乐机会和野生动植物栖息地,并减少雨水污染。这导致了《太阳谷流域管理计划》的制定,该计划确定了15个共同实现既定流域目标的试点项目。自制定该计划以来,已经构造了四个组件,另外四个组件处于计划和设计阶段。太阳谷流域综合效益项目包括以下八个已建成和拟议的组成部分。关于分水岭的地图,请参见图1,其中显示了八个组件的位置。



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