
Fusion of ANN and SVM classifiers for network attack detection




With the progressive increase of network application and electronic devices (computer, mobile phones, android, etc), attack and intrusion detection is becoming a very challenging task in cybercrime detection area. In this context, most of existing approaches of attack detection rely mainly on a finite set of attacks. However, these solutions are vulnerable, that is, they fail in detecting some attacks when sources of informations are ambiguous or imperfect. But, few approaches started investigating toward this direction. Following this trends, this paper investigates the role of machine learning approach (ANN, SVM)in detecting TCP connection traffic as normal or suspicious one. But, using ANN and SVM is an expensive technique individually. In this paper, combining two classifiers has been proposed, where artificial neural network (ANN) classifier and support vector machine (SVM) were employed. Additionally, our proposed solution allows to visualize obtained classification results. Accuracy of the proposed solution has been compared with other classifier results. Experiments have been conducted with different network connection selected from NSL-KDD DARPA dataset. Empirical results show that combining ANN and SVM techniques for attack detection is a promising direction.
机译:随着网络应用和电子设备(计算机,移动电话,Android等)的逐步增加,攻击和入侵检测正在成为网络犯罪检测区域的一个非常具有挑战性的任务。在这种情况下,大多数现有的攻击检测方法主要依赖于有限的攻击。但是,这些解决方案易受攻击,即,当信息来源含糊不清或不完美时,它们在检测到某些攻击时失败。但是,很少有方法开始调查这个方向。在此趋势之后,本文调查了机器学习方法(ANN,SVM)在检测到正常或可疑的TCP连接流量时的作用。但是,使用ANN和SVM是一种昂贵的技术。在本文中,已经提出了两个分类器,其中采用了人工神经网络(ANN)分类器和支持向量机(SVM)。此外,我们所提出的解决方案允许可视化获得的分类结果。将所提出的解决方案的准确性与其他分类器结果进行比较。已经使用从NSL-KDD DARPA数据集中选择的不同网络连接进行了实验。经验结果表明,结合ANN和SVM技术用于攻击检测是一种有希望的方向。



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