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TerpTube: A Signed Language Mentoring Management System




Signed language interpreter training programs are necessary to support the training of professional signed language interpreters who facilitate the communication between Deaf and hearing people. However, these programs have few tools that provide asynchronous or non-face-to-face means of giving feedback to or communication with learners in the signed language by peers, instructors or mentors. TerpTube has been designed to support these asynchronous activities through the use of video and signlinking within a computerized mentoring management system. Initial user studies show that mentors and men-tees/students found TerpTube easy to use to create and post video material and provide commentary on that video in American Sign Language without the use of text. Having the ability to provide comments to comments was thought to be a good idea but made the user interface confusing.
机译:手语翻译员培训计划对于支持培训聋人和听力障碍者之间交流的专业手语翻译员是必要的。但是,这些程序几乎没有工具提供异步或非面对面的方式,以由同龄人,讲师或导师以手语向学习者提供反馈或与之交流。 TerpTube旨在通过在计算机化的指导管理系统中使用视频和签名链接来支持这些异步活动。最初的用户研究表明,导师和男生/学生很容易使用TerpTube创建和发布视频材料,并使用美国手语对视频进行评论,而无需使用文本。能够为评论提供评论被认为是一个好主意,但会使用户界面混乱。



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