首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management >Optimal allocation of CT scan capacity among stochastic demand of different customer classes

Optimal allocation of CT scan capacity among stochastic demand of different customer classes




This paper studies the problem of appointment scheduling for two CT scanners one of which typically provides service to emergency patients, whose demands are generated during the day and must be served as soon as possible. The other provides service to scheduled outpatients who arrive based on an appointment schedule with some randomness due to no-shows and nonscheduled inpatients which arrive at random. The capacity management problem facing the managers of CT-scanners is to dynamically decide which appointment requests to accept and how to schedule the three kinds of patients on the two pointed facilities to maximize total revenue. So the Markov Decision Process model was built and an appointment rule was put forward in this paper.
机译:本文研究了两台CT扫描仪的预约时间表问题,其中两台CT扫描仪通常为急诊患者提供服务,急诊患者的需求在白天产生,必须尽快得到服务。另一个为根据预约时间表到达的预定门诊病人提供服务,由于没有出现而随机安排,而非预定住院病人则随机出现。 CT扫描仪管理人员面临的容量管理问题是动态决定要接受哪些约会请求,以及如何在两个针对性的设施上安排这三种患者的安排,以最大程度地提高总收入。为此,建立了马尔可夫决策过程模型,提出了约会规则。



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