首页> 外文会议>Conference on optics and photonics for information processing >Detecting objects with partial obstruction at the ARC split beam injector images at the National Ignition Facility

Detecting objects with partial obstruction at the ARC split beam injector images at the National Ignition Facility




The National Ignition Facility (NIF) utilizes 192 beams, four of which are diverted to create the Advanced Radiographic Capability (ARC) by generating a sequence of short laser pulses. This ARC beam after being converted to X-rays will act as a back lighter to create a radiographic movie and provide an unprecedented insight into the imploding dynamics and serve as a diagnostic for tuning the experimental parameters to achieve fusion. One such beam is the centering beam of the pre-amplifier module which due to a split path obstructs the central square alignment fiducials. This fiducial is used for alignment and also as reference for the programmable spatial shaper (PSS) system. Image processing algorithms are used to process the images and calculate the position of various fiducials in the beam path. We discuss the algorithm to process ARC split beam injector (SBI) centering images with partial fiducial information.



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